Get in contact with your student rep to participate. If you are unsure who this is, send an email to [email protected]
Since 1939, Sydney Uni students have competed against each other for the honour and pride of their faculty in a variety of sports. Participation provides an opportunity for both undergraduate and postgraduate students and to have fun and compete for their faculty in a social atmosphere. Competitions include touch footy, soccer, netball, basketball, and volleyball to name a few.
Points are awarded to the winners and place-getters of each competition, while participation points are also given to all faculties whose students compete.
The faculty with the most points at the end of the year wins and is awarded the Emily Small Shield.
Interfaculty Sport is a FREE event for all USYD students!
Contact the Sports Rep(s) listed below and they will get in contact with you before registering teams to confirm your involvement in the competition.
Arts | Con of Music | Health Sciences | Science |
(Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy) |
Engineering | Law |
Not sure which team you are or can’t find your team? Express your interest here or email [email protected] and we can direct you to the right Reps.
There is at least one representative per team for the year. Reps are responsible for the promotion of interfaculty sport within their respective faculties/schools and also the organisation of competitors and teams.
*Students who study double or combined degree can only represent one of your area of study per competition in the tournament.
Reminder: Student cannot swap between teams on the same competition day; student who represents the incorrect team may cause team qualification in the competition.
Competition Day: Please refer to our schedule.
Time: 10am to 3pm; actual game time for your team is subject to draw(s)
Team Submission Deadline: 5pm on Monday of Competition Week
Draw: will be released around midday on Tuesday of Competition Week (i.e. A day before competition)
**This program is subsidised by SSAF funding.