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Students hit for six

Sydney University’s outright loss to UTS North Sydney at University Oval on Saturday saw the defending Belvidere Cup premiers drop out of the top six.

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Scoreboard is a wrap-up of the efforts of Sydney University athletes and teams through the past week, collated by Graham Croker. Stories on some of the performances also appear in the News section.

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The Golden Era of SUSF – Robert Smithies

After 28 years in university sport and with the incorporation of Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness (SUSF) safely underway, Rob Smithies, SUSF’s Executive Director for the last twelve years, has decided to step out of the driver’s seat and “just go surfing for a while”. And so, while he reflects on the next set to roll in at Curl Curl, we reflect on his extraordinary contribution to SUSF and the amazing legacy that he leaves the students and their sporting clubs.

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‘Super’ foods

Superfoods: Not just your regular slice of Wonder White. We’ve all heard of them, maybe in a two-minute segment on Sunrise with Kochie ‘enjoying’ a bowl of Goji berries or a Kardashian swearing by a fresh glass of celery juice.

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Celebrating A Season of Success

What is a winning culture? Is it sacrificing the ‘me’ for the ‘we’? Is it being passionate as well as performance-focussed?Is it hard work, sacrifice and success combined? At Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness, we’d say it’s all of the above.In the winter of 2019, our clubs experienced a season of success like no other, embodying the “winning culture” SUSF is so proud to cultivate. Read for a snapshot of some of the incredible results recorded across several thriving programs.

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3 reasons why saying no is ok

Sometimes it feels like you are in a constant uphill battle with time. There is always a deadline to meet, somewhere to be or someone
to see. In-between these requests, you are trying to honour work and university deadlines, balance relationships with your social calendar and squeeze in meal prep and a workout because you still need your dose of #selfcare.

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Flames Stars Have Eyes on Tokyo

Three members of the Sydney Uni Flames Wheelchair Basketball team which recently claimed the 2019 National League title have their sights set on selection in the 12-player squad for the 2020 Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

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Student Sport Snapshot: Celebrating 2019

Whether it be on the iconic Eastern Avenue, near the crystal-clear waters on the Goal Coast or on the various venues around campus, student participation in sport has been flourishing across a number of electrifying competitions.

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Foundations of fortune

Success is one thing. Maintaining is another. It’s a formula every sporting organisation across the globe strives to achieve, and it’s one that Sydney University Football Club (SUFC) is fortunate enough to have unlocked.

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Highs and lows for Students

After chasing down 461 to earn first innings points against Manly-Warringah in Round 3, Sydney University came back to earth on Saturday when they were all out for 111 on day one of a two-day match against UTS North Sydney at University Oval.

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