School Holiday Program enrolments will open at least 4 weeks prior to each program beginning. Enrolments close at 12 pm (noon) one business day prior to the camp start date. This means that programs starting on Monday will close at 12pm the Friday beforehand. SUSF School Holiday Program run every School Holiday, rain, hail and shine!
Summer Programs will be the largest camps with one week in December and four weeks in January always available.
A late fee of $25 per child applies to all enrolments received after the closing time/date.
A request to transfer to an alternate program can be taken by calling our customer service line on 1300 068 922, but is dependent upon availability of space. Any transfer of program will incur a $25.00 administrative fee for a change of mind or a booking made incorrectly. Please notify us ASAP if you would like to transfer programs on email address [email protected]
If you can no longer attend your program date, please click here and refer to the camp terms and conditions regarding refunds and cancellations.
- Start: 9:00 am (drop off from 8:15 am)
- Finish: 3:00 pm* (pick up available until 3.30pm, after this time children will be taken to aftercare and the aftercare fee will be charged)
- Aftercare: 3:00 – 5:30pm for Sydney University location
If you are running late to collect your children at the end of camp or aftercare, it is expected that parents will call SUSF on 1300 068 922 to notify staff. Late charges will apply. See our Terms and Conditions for further information.
All camps will go ahead in wet weather. Alternative facilities are booked in advance and children will participate in activities related to their sports camp which are appropriate for indoors. Unfortunately we cannot run the Archery portion of the Fencing & Archery camp and the Archery & Rock Climbing Clinic in our indoor facilities. In the case of wet weather alternate, age-related activities will replace the Archery portion of the program.
Sydney University Location: Aftercare is offered to all programs. Price is $30.00 per child per day. If you are attending aftercare, you must have flat indoor shoes. Aftercare runs until 5:30pm sharp.
If you are running late to collect your children at the end of camp or aftercare, it is expected that you will call SUSF on 1300 068 922 to notify staff. Late charges will apply. See our Terms and Conditions for further information.
As of 2nd July 2018, the Child Care Subsidy replaced the Child Care Benefit and only “Approved” childcare providers are eligible for subsidised childcare. As Sydney Uni Sport and Fitness are “Registered” Child Care Providers, the government will no longer pay child care fee assistance in our School Holiday Programs. Sydney Uni Sport and Fitness will commit to ensuring that our School Holiday Sports Programs are affordable without diminishing the quality of the programs provided.
With a huge range of sports on offer SUSF utilises many venues across Sydney University;
SUSAC – Sydney University Sports and Aquatic Centre
Tag – TAG Family Grandstand – Oval 2
Arena – The Arena Sport & Fitness Centre – Oval – The Square
Robyn Webster Sports Centre – Tempe
For you camps Location please look under BOOKING CONFIRMATION & CAMP DETAILS on the tab above.
All of the cubs club programs offered are for ages 5 through 12 with the exception of the following:
- Fencing & Archery: Participants must 6 years or over
*Please be aware that the general age range will vary from camp to camp and there is no guarantee that there will be a high number of older or younger children at any given time.
All of the sports clinics programs offered are for ages 12 through 17
Depending on facility and coach availability, sports MAY include the following (dependent on coach and facilities available):
- Touch Football
- Soccer
- European Handball
- Dance
- Netball
- Basketball
- Hula Hooping
- Volleyball
- Athletics
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Cricket
- Squash
- Oz Tag
- Martial Arts
- Fencing
- Archery
- Softball/T Ball/ Baseball
- Dodgeball
- Tennis
- Badminton
- Table Tennis
*Sports are modified for groups depending on their age, there is no guarantee that all sports will run as the schedule is dependent on age of participants, facilties available, specialist staff available, weather
Children will need to be provided with a healthy recess and lunch each day, as well as snacks to keep them active throughout the day. Fresh fruit will be provided as snack courtesy of Sydney Markets, but parents are advised to pack extra snacks, in particular for those who are enrolled in the aftercare program. Canteens and cafes are off limits to all participants during the day. It is advisable that they bring along additional snacks to maintain their energy throughout the day. During sports camps kids will have 60 minutes allocated for lunch and it is thus advisable that they bring along enough lunch to sustain them for the afternoon session.
SUSF School Holiday Sports Camps are a Nut Free environment. Strictly no nuts are to be provided in lunches and snacks.
- Basic skill instruction
- Vigorous warm ups
- Technical work
- Maximum participation
- Learning rules, strategies, skills and game play
- Match play
- Working individually and as part of a team
- Socialising with others
Prizes are varied between School Holiday Programs.
- A clearly labelled water bottle
- Sport specific footwear, ie, runners/boots (children bringing footy boots need to bring alternative runners to wear indoors in case of rain etc)
- Protective equipment, e.g. mouthguard/shin pads (for sports such as AFL, rugby, hockey)
- Wet weather gear
- Sunsmart clothing and equipment (full brimmed hat, sunscreen and long sleeved, lightweight attire)
- Personal medication in original packaging (including a health management plan issued by a medical practitioner). For more information, see Medical Conditions information below.
- The School Holiday Programs are strictly device free, please don’t bring any valuables or devices. Devices will need to stay in bags during the program.
During the enrolment process, parents are required to supply all information for their child/children, listing any special health, behavioural and medication requirements. The information gained from the enrolment provides us with a snapshot of the essential information required to adequately prepare for the care of your child whilst they’re at camp. If a child has been diagnosed by a doctor as having a medical condition or requires additional support from us, it’s essential that SUSF are informed. Any child who is diagnosed with Asthma or Anaphylaxis Must provide an Individual Health Management Plan completed by a Medical Practitioner and submit it directly to the Camp Director by 9:00 am the first morning of camp. All medication must be declared and signed in and out by an authorised adult each day. Medication should be in its original packaging and clearly labelled with the student’s name, correct dosage and frequency.
Any child registered with learning or behavioural difficulties Must provide SUSF with information relating to their needs which are relevant to the successful inclusion of the child into the School Holiday Program.
If a child is injured whilst attending a Sports Camp a qualified First Aider will administer First Aid (for minor injuries such as cuts/grazes, bites etc). Where First Aid is administered, an Incident/Accident Report form will be completed by the attending staff member and signed. The collecting parent/guardian will need to sign this form to acknowledge their notification of the incident.
If a child falls ill whilst attending a Sports Camp the child will be supervised by a qualified First Aider until the child recovers or until the authorised adult arrives to collect the child. If the child suffers from vomiting or diarrhoea, the authorised adult will be asked to collect the child immediately. Any child/young person who is not well enough to participate in normal daily activities should be kept at home.
If a child suffers a trauma whilst attending a Sports Camp the Community Programs Manager will be notified immediately. Emergency First Aid will be provided by a qualified First Aider on the premises and emergency attention will be sought immediately. Notice of the incident will be given to the Parent as fast as practicably possible and that of any treatment, services or arrangements which have been made.
If any other health issues arise whilst the Child is in care, the authorised adult of the child/young person will be given notice of that matter.
If a child or young person is diagnosed with a communicable disease whilst attending a School Holiday Sports Camp, the parent/guardians must notify SUSF immediately. The child/young person will need to be excluded from the School Holiday Program for the period stated in the ‘recommended minimum exclusion periods for infectious conditions for schools, pre-schools and child care centres’ (National Health and Medical Research Council, December 2005, 4th edition). To access the NHMRC poster, please click here. Families attending the School Holiday Program will be emailed if there are cases of an infectious disease, and a notice will be placed at the sign in desk for the camp.
No, every parent must register their own child so all information is valid and correct and all parents have read the Terms & Conditions of an SUSF School Holiday Program.
To protect the health and welfare of all children in our care, we insist that children/young people are delivered into their child’s nominated facility or area and signed in by the authorised parent/guardian.
An authorised parent/guardian may elect to allow the child/young person to make his/her own way home or to be picked up by another adult from the School Holiday Program. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian who enrolled the child to provide written authorisation for the child/young person to leave the premises on their own or with another adult.
As this is particularly difficult to monitor in a one-off event, the Camp Director may insist on some personal identification (such as a current driver’s licence), as well as the signed authority mentioned above, if the person collecting the child is different to the one who brought the child to SUSF.
SUSF have behaviour guidelines which we promote during the camp period to ensure all children are happy, make new friends and feel secure in a positive and enjoyable environment. All participants have the right to be involved in a positive environment, maintaining positive relationships throughout; bullying, inappropriate comments or touching of any kind will not be tolerated. The health, safety and well being of all participants and staff is paramount; all participants must follow safety guidelines and instructions given by any member of SUSF staff. Should a participant feel their rights are not being maintained, they should approach staff who will begin an investigation as soon as possible.
Actions for behaviour management
Failure for any participant to uphold the behaviour guidelines may result in the following;
- SUSF staff will remind the child/young person about appropriate behaviour and sport specific instructions.
- If inappropriate behaviour persists either
- supervision will be increased, for example bring the child/young person closer to the coach;
- the participant may be removed from the group for a short time (5-10 minutes) to give them time to reflect on their actions.
- Depending on the severity and persistence of the misbehaviour parents are contacted.
- If a child’s behaviour does not improve despite all efforts, SUSF may have to ask the parents to remove the child from the program. This is an extremely rare situation and would only ever be a last resort
SUSF reserves the right to refuse or terminate enrolment if there is a breach of the Camp Behaviour Guidelines. Any costs incurred as a result of damaged property will be charged to the parent/guardian. No refund of the program fee will be provided to participants removed for behavioural reasons.
In order to protect children from the dangerous and adverse effects of sun exposure, we encourage parents/guardians to provide their child with adequate sun protection, including a wide brim hat, Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30+ sunscreen and protective clothing (such as longer sleeved shirts, longer shorts and sunglasses). All protective equipment brought to the School Holiday Sports Camps should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
SUSF will endeavour to organise our School Holiday programs to minimise exposure at peak times of the day and to provide adequate shade where possible as well as role modelling appropriate sun protection behaviour. SPF 30+ sunscreen will be available for children and staff to use and we endeavour to regularly remind children to apply sunscreen throughout the day.
Where children have allergies or sensitivity to sunscreen, parents will need to provide an alternative sunscreen. For further information or to read the SHP Sun Safety Policy, please refer to the confirmation email and PDF attachment or you are welcome request a copy from our staff.
Please direct all of your queries and feedback to [email protected] or call 1300 068 922.