We understand that it may be dark, cold and sometimes wet, but there are many reasons for you to consider you continuing your child’s lessons through the colder months.
1. Swimming is a great way to keep fit during winter and reduce ‘cabin fever’
During winter, kids can get restless not being able to run around and stay active because of the cold weather. Swimming is a great way to remain fit while being in an indoor environment, it’s a sure way to keep those energy levels maintained without having to worry about being in the cold and wet weather. Get the kids out of the house and away from those screens!
2. Repetition is the key for long-term skill development
Children need to maintain and reinforce skills to advance and develop their ability in the water. Months of summer lessons may end up ‘going to waste” as swimmers lose their ‘feel” for the water both physically and psychologically. Such maintenance and reinforcement is particularly important for toddlers and pre-schoolers when long term skill retention and muscle memory are starting to develop.
3. Continuing lessons year-round helps maintain and build confidence and independence and reduce fear and anxiety in the water
Stopping lessons through the winter months typically results in a decline in a child’s confidence and independence in the water, as well as a drop in technique and stamina, within a period of several weeks or even less. When you enrol your child in swim lessons only during the warmer months, they may not have the skills already set up for that current year’s water activities. Sure, lessons in the summer are fun but staggering your child’s swimming progress to several months will slow progress. They may forget many things they had practiced, meaning you’ll need even more summers of lessons before you’re comfortable just watching them from the side.
5. Winter is a great time to get ahead in the pool
Winter is the perfect time to focus on developing and fine-tuning skills in the water. Classes are generally smaller and more focus and practice time will help to motivate your child. Skills learned over this time can be immediately applied in the Spring/Summer season. An additional bonus is that parents and carers are much more likely to get and retain the pick of primetime 4/4.30 pm weekday and weekend classes for the upcoming warmer months. No last minute scramble for classes!
Here’s some smart tips to make the post-swimming lesson dash a lot less stressful, even when the temperature drops.
Before your lessons
Try to allow for relaxed arrival by leaving plenty of time before lessons to get a nice close park to avoid a long dash from the centre to the car.
Get them swim ready before you leave home. That is swimmers on, under clothes. Remember our yellow swim cap to retain head heat and prevent sopping wet hair.
Rashies or wetsuits are also an excellent way to keep them warm before they dive in.
We find Radiator vests an excellent choice to keep swimmers toasty warm https://radiator.net/products/kids-long-sleeve-vest
After lessons
Avoid the tricky after-swim clothing – Like leggings and socks. Stick to loose fitting clothes such as trackies, fleece pants or even pyjamas.
Have towels and hoods handy – Some parents use hooded dressing gowns that go straight over their swimmers. This is an excellent option if you’re heading straight home to shower. For really little ones, grab a hooded towel to bundle them in.
Bring two towels – one for their bodies and one for their heads.
Heading home
Have slippers in the car to change straight into. That way, even if it’s wet and rainy, they have a warm pair of DRY footwear to put on. You may even want to have a thermos of hot chocolate ready and waiting, if you’re extra organised. Not only will it warm their tummies, but also give them a bit of a treat
Stay positive – Yes, it can be hard to stay motivated when the weather is cold, wet and miserable, but remind yourself that making sure your kids are safe in the water is worth the rainy walks from the car, the damp towels and any complaints from the kids.