Have you considered Judo for your kids?

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A new term of kids judo has started at Sydney University.

Sydney Uni Judo Club runs “Kids Judo & Grappling” (under 9yrs) beginners classes on Saturdays from 12:00-1:30pm during public school terms, in the Sydney Uni Sports and Fitness Aquatic Centre Dojo. 

The coaches focus on improving physical fitness, coordination, personal discipline, situational awareness and social skills while the kids enjoy themselves and let off steam. As part of Judo children also learn how to fall safely – an important life skill. 

The classes are taught in a recently upgraded facility by experienced volunteer coaches: Head Coach Catriona Maciver 2nd Dan, Scottish, British and World Masters medalist; and Martin Doyle, 4th Dan, former British Wrestling Champion 1988 and 1989. Both have their own children in the class. 

Classes can be booked in passes for either ten or twenty weeks, which cost $125 and $215 respectively. A JFA (Judo Federation of Australia) membership is also necessary, and has an insured four week trial period available.   

Term 3 runs from 18th July – 19th September, walk-ins welcome.

Please dress your child in comfortable long sleeves, and parents are welcome to stay and watch the class.

For more information please contact Sydney Uni Judo Club on http://sydneyjudo.com
