Sydney University Australian National Football Club has reappointed Roger Moten as Senior Coach for 2011.
Moten guided
Sydney University to t h e 2 0 1 0 minor premiership d j u s t m i s s e d o u t o n t h e m a j o r p r e m i e r s h i p“I am looking forward to working with this talented group of players again and going one step further , “ M o t e n s a i d.
“This is a terrific environment to be associated with and a great Club going places.“
Moten has had a significant impact on the football club and players, and was a major driving force behind the club’s success in 2010.
H i s e f f o r t s w e r e formally recognised at the end of the season when he was awarded Coach of the 2010 AFL Sydney Team of the Year.
U A N F C President, Chas Wilkinson said the c ommittee had no hesitation in endorsing the re-appointment of Moten.“Roger drove significant improvement through the coaching and playing groups in 2010 and the
c lub is extremely happy to have him back at the helm for the 2011 season ,” h e s a i d.In other news, pre-season training for all grades will commence on Monday
, November 2 2 at Bat & Ball Oval (opposite Sydney Girls High School, corner Cleveland and South Dowling Streets, Moore Park).Be there at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm sharp start. Boots and joggers required. All new players welcome.