Mary’s willpower pays off in gold, silver and bronze

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26.06.2008 – [Mary]

At Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness, we take pride in the achievements of our members. Take for example, Mary. At the age of 63, Mary has beaten the odds of major cancer surgery, regained her energy through our Seniors Program (Senior Fitness Class and Postural Class), and brought back 4 medals from the Australian Masters Rowing Championships.

Below is an extract from her email to Cris Penn, one of our valued Senior Fitness instructors.

Hi Cris.

SUWRC was represented at the Australian Masters Rowing Championships held recently at Nagambie in Victoria. Pictured fom left are Annie Titterton, Mary Boland, Ann Tout and Sue Tattersall, the Womens F Coxless Four crew.

Mary (second from left) proudly displays her 4 medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze)

I ended up with two gold medals – one for the Womens Coxless Four, another for a H Mixed Eight; one silver medal for an E Mixed Eight and a bronze for our SUWRC Womens E Eight.

I hadn’t been in a gym until a little over 8 years ago when after major cancer surgery you taught me how those machines worked. Apart from being a constant encouragement I don’t know if you remember that it was you who suggested I take up rowing. And even now you are still inspiring me with the postural fitness classes which are great for core stability, rowing and my funny hips.

Don’t take too much notice of the medals we are wearing. They are all mine 🙂 I just got everyone to put them on for the photo as we didn’t have any others there.

Warmest regards,

