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Elite Athlete Program student-athletes excel on the academic front

They always receive praise and accolades for what they achieve on the sporting field, but the Elite Athlete Program’s talented student-athletes should also get the credit they deserve for what…
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Adjusting to the pandemic: How SUSF responded in the face of COVID-19

On March 23, Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness (SUSF) closed its doors as the NSW Government enforced major lockdowns on all non-essential services in response to COVID-19. The facilities were…
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SUSF’s Roundtable Talk Debut

Nothing compares to Eastern Ave on Welcome Week. Hundreds of stalls promoting different clubs and societies, food trucks, live entertainment, exciting sporting demonstrations from the Varsity Cheerleading Squad to the…
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Ed Smith appointed SUSF CEO

Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness (SUSF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ed Smith as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). SUSF’s Board of Directors was very impressed by…
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Celebrating 30 Years of the Elite Athlete Program

Before 1990, young athletes needed to make a choice between pursuing a career in sport or a long term-commitment to study. this predicament ignited a flame in the Sydney University…
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New Sporting Scholarship in Honour of a Former Vice Chancellor

A perpetually named sporting scholarship will be awarded for the first time in 2021, in honour of the late Professor Gavin Brown, who passed away in 2010. Professor Brown was born…
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Four New Perpetual Named Sporting Scholarships in 2020

Of the 340+ sporting scholarships offered in 2020, 39 are particularly sentimental. These perpetual named scholarships are established by individuals and organisations who have kindly donated in the spirit of providing a lasting legacy. These gifts are especially appreciated in uncertain times, such as what we’re experiencing now with the COVID-19 pandemic. Four perpetual named scholarships are awarded for the first time this year to four outstanding student athletes in honour of some wonderful Sydney University sporting community members.

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Top of The Class

Each year, the outstanding academic performers of our Elite Athlete Program from the previous year are recognised through the award of several special scholarships. These are the Vice Chancellor’s Scholarships and the Senate Scholarships. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to hold our annual Sports Awards Dinner in which these student athletes would have been celebrated. So, in lieu of the Dinner, please read on to learn more about our top-performing academic athletes in 2019.

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2020 Scholarship recipients announced

The Sports Awards is a special event in the Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness calendar where we acknowledge our new scholarship recipients and generous donors, celebrate our clubs, athletes and administrators and come together as a community in the name of a shared love: sport. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019 event was unfortuntely cancelled, however we are proud to still announce our 2020 scholarship holders online. 

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2019 Sports Awards presented online

The Sports Awards is a special event in the Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness calendar where we acknowledge our new scholarship recipients and generous donors, celebrate our clubs, athletes and administrators and come together as a community in the name a shared love: sport. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019 event was unfortuntely cancelled, however in the absence of a celebratory evening together, we are proud to still announce our award winners online.

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