The Sydney University Soccer Football Club (SUSFC) has weighed in with the largest ever donation pledge to Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness (SUSF), following the official launch of the SUSF Building on Excellence fundraising campaign at SUSF’s recent Sports Awards Dinner.
The Building on Excellence fundraising campaign will see the organisation attempt to raise a seven figure sum that will be used to assist the building of a Grandstand on Oval No. 2. As SUSF Executive Director Rob Smithies announced at the Sports Awards, the Asia-Pacific’s leading provider for University-based sport, fitness and recreation servicesis off to a strong start.
“I am very pleased to let you know that on that night we received a pledge for the largest sum of money ever contributed to SUSF,” said Smithies.
“The Sydney University Soccer Football Club, through a combination of club monies, funds already donated and funds to be raised, has pledged the sum of $500,000 towards the Oval No. 2 grandstand project. This is a significant milestone for SUSF and I would like to place on the record SUSF’s gratitude to the Soccer Football Club for this enormous contribution.
“In particular, Club President Andrew Bray and Soccer Football Division Chairman Brendan Casey have shown great vision and leadership to their Club and to SUSF in providing this sum of money.
It should also be noted that the Soccer Football Club were the largest contributors to the Finishing Touches Campaign in support of the SUSAC Extension Finishing Touches fundraising campaign during 2013.”
SUSF President Bruce Ross also spoke of the clubs extraordinary generosity, saying “This is a wonderful gesture by the Sydney University Soccer Football Club although the word ‘gesture’ is hardly adequate to reflect the magnitude of the club’s contribution.
“It is great to see that the club is prepared to commit so much of its funds and that its members are prepared to really dig deep to ensure that our physical facilities keep pace with the continued rise in our level of playing performance.”