Sydney University Rugby League Football Club October 2013 Update

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On 29 October our Club successfully hosted an Information Evening at the Grandstand Bar at the No 1 Oval leading into its preparation for the 2014 season.

The event brought together past players of the club spanning 5 generations, new players, commercial partners, supporters and representatives from Sydney University Sport and Fitness.  We want to thank all of you that attended the event.

Please find attached our news release relating to the event and our new poster promoting our Club as it rebuilds for 2014.  This release has been scanned in black and white due to size limitations of many inboxes.

The Future and what you can do!

A key aim of the Club is to connect and to engage with our community, both with our current and past players and our commercial partners.  We believe that communication is the key to the Club’s future and we are committed to keeping everyone informed. 

We would also love to hear you guys spread the word of the Club.  It’s growing by the day! Please pass on our details to colleagues, past players and future players to help us continue building up!  We want to continue to build our distribution list.

We will keep you informed of our events by email.  For those of you who are on Facebook you can find us at  Please feel free to like the Club’s page to know more about what is happening with the Club. We have uploaded photos from the information night on our Facebook page and further photos will be uploaded on Facebook and distributed by email in the next few days. 

All in all, it was a great night and we look forward to working with you to re-build this great Club.

Click here for the press release.

