Langereis finishes fourth in AUC Triathlon

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SUSF Elite Athlete Program (EAP) scholarship holder Brooke Langereis has finished just outside of the medals at the 2013 Australian University Championships Triathlon in Yarrawonga, Victoria.

Coming out of choppy water just seconds behind the race leader after the first leg of the race, Langereis surged into first position on the bike, before being severely hampered due to her dominant race position.

“The race was draft legal, which means that you are allowed to ride together in a group,” explains Langereis.

“Riding 40km by myself into a headwind was not favourable.”

Langereis was still the race leader heading into the run and she held that position until there was just 4kms to go. At this point she tired, before finishing fourth.

There were no regrets from the University of Sydney Bachelor of Health Science student, who said “The field where all strong runners so I knew I had to push the swim and bike.”

