Sydney Uni Velo Club wins in Colombia

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Sydney Uni Velo Club (SUVelo) member Mauricio Garcia recently broke new ground for the club, winning in Calarca, Quindio (Colombia) in a race run as a tribute to a famous cyclist from the area, Javier Hernandez.  

The race took place through the narrow streets of Calarca and Garcia required a lot of cunning to ensure that he remained in the lead group before sprinting to victory.

Garcia was visiting his sons recently in Australia, and was so impressed with the competitive edge at SUVelo that he joined, promising to represent the club in all major races in Colombia.

He has been training extremely hard for the National Masters Championships, which occur in Bogota  27-29th July.

27th : Team Time trial(50km)

28th : Individual Time trial(20km)

29th : Road Race (80km)

It will be the first time SUVelo colours will make an appearance in a major South American event.

